General Procurement Notice – Financial and environmental optimisation of a part of the water supply system (Non-revenue water project for selected area of Mykolaiv city)

  • General procurement notice
  • Ukraine
  • 01.08.2024
  • 31.12.2024

Mykolaiv city council is planning to announce competitive tendering for the works, goods and services defined and financed under the Project“Financial and environmental optimisation of a part of the water supply system (Non-revenue water project for selected area of Mykolaiv city)”.

Tendering for the works, goods and services is planned to begin in fourth quarter of 2024. Works are expected to be completed in the second quarter of 2026. It is expected that approximately EUR 6.16 million will be spent to finance the Project. The Danida Sustainable Infrastructure Finance (DSIF) provides a grant funds through the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) as Fund Manager under the Project. The Beneficiary of the grant funds is the Mykolaiv City Council.

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