14.06.2021 | News
Reliable meteorological data help to secure stable energy generation from renewable sources over prolonged periods of time. Automasjon products are used to ensure safe operation of offshore wind farms by providing reliable meteorological data. A loan through Nefco’s Green Recovery financing programme will facilitate the company’s growth in the UK offshore wind market and allow it to expand its business.
Norwegian company Automasjon og Data AS has provided meteorological and oceanographical data systems, mainly for marine and offshore uses, for more than 30 years. The company’s products vary from simple weather measuring stations to advanced monitoring and stabilisation equipment that uses a software package developed by the company itself.
Since 2012, the company has changed the focus of its activities from the oil and gas sector to the growing renewables sector. It has adapted its technology and business activities to the floating offshore wind sector and successfully transferred its expertise.
“We went been through several tough years of low activity in our old business segment in the oil and gas industry, something that clearly illustrates a troubled future for this business area. We therefore want to speed up our transition towards the renewable market to secure the future of our company. Over the last few years, we have been lucky enough to secure some very good strategic contracts in the offshore wind market, and we look forward to a steady expansion into a very promising sustainable market,” says Jon A. Silgjerd, Business Development Manager at Automasjon og Data AS.
Advanced weather forecasting models provide early warnings, ensure safe operation of offshore equipment and increase the operational time of wind turbines for energy generation. These data-driven solutions contribute to mitigating climate change by supporting renewable energy sources.
“WISE group – Automasjon og Data has already been working for some years to learn how the renewable energy market works, and we are confident that we are now in a good position to take a larger share of this market. We have strategically targeted the offshore wind segment, but Norway is not the epicentre of this market. On the contrary, we need to export almost all our business for this segment,” explains Silgjerd.
The UK is a strategic market for offshore wind. It is one of the countries with the highest share of offshore wind installed globally. Automasjon has already worked and supplied systems to three offshore wind farms in the UK, but due to pandemic travelling restrictions their business activities have been postponed. Nefco’s Green Recovery Loan will allow Automasjon to re-start service operations and business relations in the offshore wind sector in Scotland, maintaining its 11 employees and generating new job opportunities both in Norway and the UK.
“We find it very positive that there is a green bank complementing our normal operational banking channels that can be used for new and exciting projects where we are thinking outside the box. Nefco has challenged the way we think; it has been a very interesting exercise and one that we would recommend to anyone,” adds Silgjerd.
For further information, please contact:
Søren Berg Rasmussen, Investment Manager, Nefco
soren.rasmussen@nefco.int, (+358) 050 324 2550
About Automasjon og Data AS
Automasjon og Data AS is a complete system house for meteorological and oceanographical data systems. Its main products are Environmental Monitoring Systems and Helideck Monitoring Systems for marine and offshore applications. The company has been involved in designing, building and installing monitoring systems as an aid for offshore safety and operations since 1991. The Automasjon og Data AS team is formed of experienced engineers who can undertake service work on all makes and models of systems, make recommendations for sensor installation and locations or make site visits to evaluate old or new installations.
Photo: Automasjon og Data AS
Business Development Manager Jon A. Silgjerd and CEO Roger Lillestøl