NEFCO launches second tranche for its carbon fund NeCF

Combating climate change. NeCF has placed EUR 100 million in renewable energy. Photo: Patrik Rastenberger

NEFCO has launched a EUR 30 million capital raising exercise for its carbon procurement vehicle, the NEFCO Carbon Fund (NeCF). The Tranche II subscription will be aimed principally at post 2012 purchases.

The NeCF was launched in April 2008, to procure high quality compliance units for obligated entities under the Kyoto Protocol and the EU Emissions Trading Scheme.

Having substantially placed its EUR 100 million in CER purchases in Asia and Latin America, NEFCO is now seeking fresh capital injection to continue with its activity.

Ash Sharma, Vice President of NEFCO and Head of the Carbon Finance Unit stated that “the compliance regime is hardening for many utilities and industrials, which can expect to face a short position relative to their EU targets. NeCF offers an opportunity for such compliance buyers to hedge post 2012 EU ETS liabilities without taking on significant risk”

The NeCF has participated in 10 emission reduction projects with signed Emission Reduction Purchase Agreements (ERPAs), all involving deployment of renewable energy, namely wind power and small hydro. The projects are located in China, Vietnam and Mexico. The bulk of the emission reductions are now registered under the Clean Development Mechanism.

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