Nefco and Denmark rebuilding water supply infrastructure in Mykolaiv

Nefco and the city of Mykolaiv have signed a new grant agreement on rebuilding the water supply system for a selected district in the city.

  • The aim of this non-revenue water project is to reduce water losses and increase water supply reliability and energy efficiency in water distribution processes.
  • Funding of up to EUR 7.2 million has been allocated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark to facilitate the reconstruction of the water supply system in the city of Mykolaiv, Ukraine.
  • The distribution network in the Korabelnyi district is currently in very poor technical condition with pipe leakages reaching about 40%.

This investment project will improve non-revenue water management and support the rebuilding of the city’s water supply infrastructure. In total, EUR 7.2 million has been allocated to the project’s implementation and technical assistance by Denmark, through its Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Mykolaiv is located in the southern part of Ukraine, close to the Black Sea. In April 2022, the drinking water intake and water treatment systems were badly damaged by Russian missile attacks. The city’s main water pipeline, which passes through the occupied Kherson Oblast, has been destroyed, leaving large parts of Mykolaiv without a reliable water source. The water supply to the city has not been functioning for almost 2.5 years.

Citizens of Mykolaiv remain dependent on emergency water supplies provided primarily by truck and supplemented by desalination of brackish water from the Dnieper–Bug estuary as well as new hastily drilled boreholes. Many citizens are forced to carry water from centralised emergency water points to meet their daily needs. This is especially difficult for many older citizens as it means walking several kilometres and carrying water canisters up several floors to their apartments, with elevators not functioning due to the lack of electricity supply.

The Korabelnyi district in the city of Mykolaiv has been chosen as a demonstration area for the recovery and reconstruction of the entire water supply system of the city of Mykolaiv. This residential district was selected due to its high population density and large number of multistorey buildings, as well as the current challenges with the water distribution network. The distribution network in the Korabelnyi district is currently in very poor technical condition with pipe leakages reaching about 40%.

The aim of this project is to reduce water losses and increase energy efficiency of the water distribution processes by identifying water leakages, improving non-revenue water performance and creating a sustainable basis for further development of the freshwater system in Mykolaiv. Over 70,600 Korabelnyi residents, including some 6,800 internally displaced people, are set to benefit from the improved water supply services thanks to Danish funding.

Since spring 2024, Denmark, through Danida Sustainable Infrastructure Finance (DSIF), has been funding another water reconstruction project in parallel in the city of Mykolaiv. This project is currently in the procurement stage and a tender announcement is expected in September.

Further information about the first Danish-funded project in Mykolaiv:

For further information, please contact:

Bo Nyhus, Investment Director, Nefco, +358 10 6180 665

Iryna Fedorenko, Investment Adviser, Nefco, +380 96 270 9622, +358 50 400 53 82

Photo: Mykolaiv city view  – Shutterstock/Aleksandr Mokshin

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