05.08.2021 | News
Within the framework of the Northern Dimension Policy, the Northern Dimension Partnership for Transportation and Logistics (NDPTL or Partnership) was established in October 2009, and is one of the four existing partnerships of the Northern Dimension. Geographically the Northern Dimension focuses on north-west Russia, Kaliningrad, the Baltic and Barents Seas, as well as the Arctic and Sub-Arctic areas. The current members of the NDPTL are Belarus, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia, Sweden and the European Commission.
The purpose of the NDPTL is to accelerate the implementation of major infrastructure projects providing with assistance in project preparation stage thus stimulating investments within the Northern Dimension region. The partnership also serves as a regional forum for transport and logistics issues, and complements the work of cooperation structures already in existence.
The overall goal of the Partnership is to improve, in compliance with the ecological needs of the region, major transport connections and logistics in the Northern Dimension region in order to stimulate sustainable economic growth at the local, regional and global level by focusing on a limited number of priorities that reflect both regional and national priorities in balanced way.
The NDPTL Secretariat is now looking for a Director to ensure a professional, high quality service by the Secretariat and, within the operational and budgetary framework approved by the Steering Committee and the High Level Meeting, proactively developing the Partnership as a key regional cooperation platform on transport and logistics. The Secretariat resides at NIB’s headquarters in Helsinki, Finland.
Read more on NIB’s website and apply >>