14.09.2011 | News
The wastewater treatment company, OKOS, from the Kaliningrad region of Russia, signed on Wednesday a wastewater upgrading agreement with the Latvian company WaterSer.
Under the terms of the contract, the two companies will jointly upgrade the wastewater treatment facilities in the Kaliningrad coastal cities of Svetlogorsk and Zelenogradsk.
Two pumping stations will be reconstructed as part of the project, a collector will also be established and a gravity pipeline laid between Svetlogorsk and Zelenogradsk to collect wastewater for the OKOS plant.
The contract is valued at EUR 5 million and the Finnish consultancy company, Ramboll, has assisted OKOS in project preparations.
The contract constitutes part of a comprehensive programme, which has identified 20 locations requiring urgent modernization to reduce the nutrient load from the Kaliningrad region to the Baltic Sea.
The EU Commission has given EUR 9.5 million to the programme and the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA) has chipped in with SEK 6.9 million for financing consultancy services. Russia’s contribution will be some RUB 1,400 million earmarked for the wastewater sector investments in the Kaliningrad region.
The second phase of the programme will be the modernization of the OKOS wastewater treatment plant, which provides utility services to Pionersky, Svetlogorsk and Zelenogradsk. NEFCO will grant loan finance and the European Commission will extend a grant for this project.
All in all, if successfully implemented, these projects will result in an annual reduction of phosphorus discharges amounting to 58 tonnes.
According to the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (HELCOM), Kaliningrad is responsible for one of the largest point of nutrient discharges into the Baltic Sea.
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Read the procurement notice related to this project
Learn more about the Marine Environment Protection Commission
Read about NEFCO’s and NIB’s joint BSAP Fund