Financing options

We offer a range of instruments to small and medium-sized investments with a positive environmental impact.

Risk capital for Nordic green solutions

To accelerate the green transition, we finance Nordic green solutions that have the potential to scale on a global level. All of our investments have the objective to generate positive environmental and/or climate-related impacts.

We require additionality in our investments, meaning that our financing may be the factor that brings a green investment to realisation. This is why we expect more than Return on Investment: we expect Return on Impact.

Tailored financing options for diverse needs

Nefco finances and implements small and medium-sized green investments globally, on market terms. We are ready to take financial risks if there is a green upside.

Loans and equity

We provide loans, equity-type financing and blended finance for green investments. Our loan options include:

  • Loans and equity of up to EUR 5 million to Nordic SMEs and mid-caps for the expansion and implementation of green investments on global markets. Investments within the Nordic countries can be considered if they demonstrate an environmental technology or sustainable solution with the potential for international scaling.
  • Loans blended with grants and soft loans to public sector projects in Eastern Europe

Financial support

We offer Nordic SMEs conditional loans for internationalisation of up to EUR 50,000. Funding is utilised for feasibility studies to assess international establishment or demonstration project/pilot installation outside the EU/EFTA area. If the project results in a foreign business establishment or investment, the entirety of the Nopef funding is converted into a grant. Read more

Results-based financing

We incentivise the adoption of clean off-grid energy solutions and clean cooking market growth through results-based financing via our two financing programmes in Africa. Read more


We provide grants and project support through trust funds and financing programmes. Read more on the programme pages:

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