Nordic companies

We support the growth of Nordic companies on global markets to accelerate the green transition.

Growth financing for SMEs going global

Nefco finances Nordic SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) whose solutions have a positive impact on the environment or climate. We offer loans on market terms, equity-type funding and financial support for feasibility studies for internationalisation. If your company has a proven green solution that is ready to be scaled up internationally, discover how Nefco financing could support your growth.

Scale-up investments

We provide loans on market terms and equity-type funding for Nordic SMEs with green investments to scale up their solutions on global markets.

Loans and equity

EIF guarantees for SMEs 

Nefco offers European Investment Fund (EIF) guarantees to facilitate financing for Nordic SMEs. 

EIF guarantees

New market entry

Financial support provided by Nopef can cover costs for feasibility studies and other preparatory business activities in support of internationalisation.

Financial support from Nopef

How to apply

Our investment criteria & cycle

Since 1990, Nefco has been a pioneer in impact investing. We are ready to take a financial risk when there is a green upside. Our financing criteria and step-by step investment cycle guides how we assess and work with your investment proposal.

View our investment criteria and cycle

Key figures from our Nordic SMEs portfolio


active Nefco investments at the end of 2024


feasibility studies through Nopef


in funds committed at the end of 2024


Nordic SMEs have received financing for internationalisation

Bawat treats ballast water to reduce the spread of invasive marine species

Bawat A/S has developed a ballast water treatment system that is certified for both IMO and US standards. Nefco helped financing Bawat’s expansion of the company’s ballast water treatment system.

Read the case story

Klappir takes transparent environmental reporting globally

Klappir logo in the office

By empowering transparent reporting, Klappir’s software enables organisations to monitor and track their environmental and other sustainability-related actions. Nefco has provided the Icelandic company with funding to help boost speed to market and international expansion.

Read the case story


Biodiversity pilot programme

Protecting biodiversity helps maintain ecosystem services that businesses in different sectors depend on. Nefco’s Biodiversity Pilot Programme is testing and developing concrete biodiversity solutions in collaboration with companies.

Read about our SME financing options in Nordic languages

Nefco i Danmark

Flag of Denmark. Photo; Unsplash

Vi støtter væksten af danske virksomheder på globale markeder for at fremme den grønne omstilling. Vores kunder omfatter Donkey Republic, MASH Makes, S.C. Nordic, SolarLab, Racell og mange andre nordiske SMV’er i vækst.

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Nefco Suomessa

Flag of Finland Photo; Unsplash

Tuemme suomalaisten yritysten kasvua globaaleilla markkinoilla vauhdittaaksemme vihreää siirtymää. Asiakkaitamme ovat Aeromon, Coolbrook, Norsepower, Sulapac, Tracegrow ja monet muut kasvavat pohjoismaiset pk-yritykset.

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Nefco á Íslandi

Flag of Iceland. Photo; Unsplash

Við styðjum vöxt íslensku fyrirtækjanna á heimsmörkuðum til að hraða grænu umskiptunum. Meðal viðskipatvina okkar eru Carbon Recycling International, Hopp, Klappir, DTE, Thor Ice Chilling solutions og mörg önnur lítil og meðalstór norræn fyrirtæki í vexti.

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Nefco i Norge

Flag of Norway. Photo; Unsplash

Vi støtter norske bedrifters vekst på de globale markedene for å fremskynde det grønne skiftet. Vi har kunder som Automasjon og Data, Kube Energy, Kyoto Group, Sterner og mange andre nordiske SMB-er i vekst.

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Nefco i Sverige

Flag of Sweden. Photo; Unsplash

Vi möjliggör internationell expansion och tillväxt för svenska företag för att påskynda den gröna omställningen globalt. Våra kundföretag är bl.a. Baseload Capital, Bawat, Elonroad, Sensative och många andra nordiska små och medelstora tillväxtföretag.

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Contact us

Mikael Reims Vice President, Origination
Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, English
Thor Thorsteinsson Vice President, Green Transition Nordic SMEs
Icelandic, Swedish, English

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