27.02.2024 | Events | Eastern Europe
A conference related to energy-efficient urban reconstruction will be held in Kyiv on 7 March where experts and representatives of national and local authorities, as well as international financial organisations will discuss the opportunities and challenges of post-war reconstruction of Ukrainian communities in line with the highest energy efficiency standards. Actors are able to exchange views regarding process of urban reconstruction, principles of sustainable energy-efficient construction, available financial mechanisms for communities and existing obstacles.
Julia Shevchuk, Chief Investment Adviser at Nefco will participate in the panel discussion Energy-efficient reconstruction of cities: challenges during a full-scale war.
The process of rebuilding Ukrainian cities offers a unique opportunity for comprehensive energy efficiency improvements by “building back better” through thermal insulation technologies, low-carbon heating and cooling systems, and higher building standards. Renovating the housing stock to high or near-zero energy standards can bring numerous benefits. Lower energy consumption will bring financial benefits to households and the state budget in the long run, reduce the need for energy imports, and help Ukraine move closer to EU building standards. The ability to create a low-emission housing sector, reduce consumer bills and increase energy security can deliver a triple win for Ukraine.
The conference is organised by Environmental Initiatives Ecoaction and BE Berlin Economics GmbH in partnership with the Association of Energy-Efficient Cities of Ukraine and the Covenant of Mayors. The event is part of the project “Closing the Loop: a Just Energy Transition Designed by Capitals and Regions” with financial support from the European Union.
Read more and register for the conference here. Information about venue and online participation will be informed to registered participants closer to the event.