03.11.2019 | Case | Eastern Europe | Energy Efficiency | Street Lighting | Ukraine
The project envisaged implemenatation of energy saving measures in the public buildings of Pavlograd city, Ukraine.
Energy saving projects in Pavlograd
Pavlograd is an industrial city in Eastern Ukraine with a population of around 110 000 people located some 550 kilometres southeast of Kyiv. NEFCO has financed three large energy-efficiency projects in the city since 2012.
Within the first project energy saving measures were implemented in 9 day-care centres between 2012 to 2013. New energy-efficient windows were installed and heating systems were modernised.
The project has resulted in higher indoor temperature and better conditions for the benefit of children and teachers
The total project costs amounted to EUR 348,000. NEFCO contributed with EUR 260,000 loan from its Energy Saving Credits Facility and the city with own financing of EUR 88,000.
Cooperation continued in 2015, when a comprehensive thermal modernisation of school No. 5 was carried out. The refurbishment included insulation of the façade, replacement of windows, installation of automatic heat regulation as well as modernisation of the lighting system. All these measures have contributed to the large savings of the school’s yearly consumption.
The project was financed by a grant provided by the Nordic Energy Efficiency and Humanitarian Support Initiative for Ukraine (NIU). NIU was established in 2014 by all Nordic Governments and is administered by NEFCO.
Energy saving measures were implemented in six more schools and a health care centre in 2016 and the street lighting was modernised. A total of 1254 energy efficient windows have been installed in 7 buildings.
The new street lighting improved the safety conditions for the city’s inhabitants
Considerable energy savings were achieved with the modernisation of the street lighting system in Dniprovska street. The 12 km long street is the main road in Pavlograd. Within the project a part of the street, about 800-900 metres, was renovated and 142 street lighting fixtures were replaced with LED lamps. As a result, savings of electricity consumption comprised 80%.
The quality of the street lighting has also improved. As LED-lamps provide bright and comfortable light, the city has continued the modernisation using its own funds and replaced all the lights in the street. More than 7000 people have benefitted from the implemented measures.
Upon implementation of these three energy saving projects, the annual savings of the city amount to 2,600 Gcal of heat energy and about 200 MW of electricity consumption which corresponds to about EUR 230,000 annually.
Altogether, 18 projects have already been implemented with a total amount of EUR 16 million of NIU grant financing.