Visual guidelines

Our visual guidelines

Below, you can download our visual guidelines and different logo versions for authorised purposes.

Using material for commercial purposes always requires Nefco’s prior written consent i, whether in marketing, promotional activities or elsewhere. Any use of Nefco’s logotype or name as a commercial reference or on business cards requires Nefco’s prior written approval.

Please also read our visual identity guidelines on how to use the Nefco logo.

ModelFile to download
Nefco logo in greenLogo for printed materials – PDF

Logo for printed materials in PMS colours – PDF

Logo for web and screen – PDF

Logo for web and screen, without background – PNG

Nefco logo in blackBlack logo for printed material – PDF

Black logo for web and screen – PDF

Black logo for web and screen, without background – PNG

Nefco logo in whiteWhite logo for printed material – PDF

White logo for web and screen – PDF

White logo for web and screen, without background – PNG

Contact us

Anni Rein Communications Manager
Finnish, English, Swedish
Lia Oker-Blom Senior Communications Officer
Swedish, Finnish, English, Danish, German

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